Keep up with the latest happenings at MADWORKSHOP!

The Smart Table Lamp
Shihyung “Bobby” Kim
MADWORKSHOP Fellow, 2014
Kim’s smart table lamp combines the best of today’s technology while maintaining a simple “human-friendly” design. Kim sought to fulfill some basic objectives, like creating a lamp with ease of movement and with multi-functions (like a lamp that goes from reading a book to spotlighting a piece of art). He also wanted to explore the use of indirect lighting as a design treatment. (continued below)
+January 16, 2015

The Inaugural Board Meeting
January 22, 2015
Today marks the inaugural Advisory Board Meeting for the MADWORKSHOP Foundation. All board members were in attendance to officially begin the 2015 calendar year. The agenda consisted of discussing the parameters of the 501c3 regulations, financial reporting, and a review of upcoming projects. The meeting concluded with a detailed discussion on the direction the foundation will take in the first half of 2015. The next full Advisory Board Meeting is set for the summer.