Keep up with the latest happenings at MADWORKSHOP!

The Homeless Studio Featured on Architectural Record!
MADWORKSHOP Students Develop Modular Homeless Shelters for L.A.
+January 25, 2017

Homeless Studio on USC’s front page!
Architecture students design houses for L.A.’s homeless Trojans apply their skills to social ills, designing prototypes for temporary shelters that could work in the real world By: Joanna Clay | Categorized: Social Impact When architecture…
+December 15, 2016

Homeless Studio Featured on Archinet!
At USC’s ‘Homeless Studio’, Students Work Towards Real Solutions to the City’s Homeless Crisis By: Nicholas Korody Just a few miles from the University of Southern California campus, Skid Row contains a significant portion of the…
+November 25, 2016

Homeless Studio Featured in Azure Magazine!
Architecture Students Imagine Housing Solutions for L.A.’s Homeless Tasked with devising shelters for those living on the street, University of Southern California students ask themselves: what is the architect’s role in solving homelessness? When Los Angeles voters cast…
+November 15, 2016

Behnaz Farahi Receives 2016 Innovation Award for Caress of the Gaze!
The inaugural winner of the Fast Company 2016 Innovation By Design Linda Tischler Award is Behnaz Farahi, whose 3D-printed garment reacts to the human gaze with actuator-driven movements based on data about the person looking…
+November 8, 2016