2017 February

The Homeless Studio Featured on Laist!
Feb. 3, 2017
By: Tim Loc
Read the full article here: http://laist.com/2017/02/03/usc_house_pods.php#photo-1
+February 17, 2017

Homes For Hope by The Homeless Studio Featured on Fastcodesign!
Feb. 1, 2017
Read The Original Article Here: https://www.fastcodesign.com/3067572/the-25k-pod-that-could-ease-las-homelessness-crisis
+February 6, 2017

Homes For Hope
MADWORKSHOP x USC School of Architecture, Fall 2016
Martin Architecture and Design Workshop (MADWORKSHOP) sponsered The Homeless Studio at the USC School of Architecture for the Fall 2016 semester. The Homeless Studio was led by Director Sofia Borges and Board Member R. Scott Mitchell.
*Homes for Hope won Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Award in the Student Category
+February 6, 2017

Joseph Chang
2017 Fellow
Joseph Chang enjoys designing with his hands. He grew up in the Bay Area, CA, where much of his time was spent building in his high school’s fabrication shop and father’s garage. During his two years in the architecture program at the Illinois Institute of Technology, he found a passion for wood working and furniture design. In 2013, he transferred to the USC School of Architecture in pursuit of sharpening his design skills. Joseph is currently a fourth year student and is interested in investigating furniture design within tiny homes.
For his MADWORKSHOP fellowship, he will be prototyping a backpacking stretcher for emergency situations. The apparatus can be operated by a single person to carry heavy loads such as an injured person or loose items over rough terrain.

Karen Hoffman Joins the MADWORKSHOP Family as a Board Member!
As Chair of Product Design and Director of the Color, Materials and Trends Exploration Laboratory (CMTEL) at ArtCenter College of Design, Karen is instrumental in introducing new design research processes, curriculum and vision-casting projects with…
+February 1, 2017